
Functional Integration

Get one-on-one attention with a private session.

Awareness Through Movement

Develop your skills to increase coordination and flexibility while decreasing strain and pain with the foundational Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement classes.

Water Exercises

Build strength and flexibility with water exercises.


  • Work, play and rest with greater ease.
  • Deepen self-connection in this busy world.
  • Advance your technique in music, dance, theater, sports, yoga and martial arts.
  • Unearth fluidity, strength and grace of movement.
  • Develop awareness and transform intention into action.


  • Learn and know the possibility of something other than pain, restriction, or
    movement challenge.
  • Reduce the impact of chronic, degenerative or sudden-onset conditions, such as,
    arthritis, stroke and physical injury.

“Make the impossible possible, the possible easy, the easy elegant…”

~ Moshé Feldenkrais